
You can add a page on your REfindly site that features any Vendor you choose. You can display vendors by name or by vendor type, including their contact information and a link to their website. Visit classicdemo.refindly.org/vendors for an example of a Vendor page in action.

Adding Vendors

To add a new Vendor to your Vendors list, go to your dashboard and choose Vendors > Add New.

Add Vendor Information

Enter the name of the Vendor underneath the Add New Vendor header.

You can enter information about the vendor in the next section. We suggest a short, simple paragraph. Click Here to learn about formatting in the text editor.

The Vendor Information section is where you can add contact information for the Vendor. If you choose the checkbox next to "Featured Vendor?" the vendor will display at the top of your Vendor page.

Select the checkbox next to your Vendor type in the Categories section. You can add new categories by clicking the + Add New Category link.

Click the Set Featured Image link under the "Vendor Image" section to choose an image for your Vendor. Upload your own image or choose an image from your Media Library.

When you've finished adding Vendor information, click the  button to save your Vendor to your Vendor page.