To add Agent Departments for your Agent's Roster, visit your dashboard and choose Agents > Departments.
Click on the play button above to see how to access the Agent Departments screen.
In the Agent Departments screen you will be able to add or edit a Department.
Each Agent Department has four sections you can edit:
- In the Name field, add your Department name. This name will display on your site, so it should be something users will understand, such as "Sales," "Rentals," or "Leadership Team."
- In the Slug field, enter a URL-friendly version of the name. It is usually all lowercase and contains only letters, numbers, and hyphens. Examples: "sales," "rentals," or "leadership-team."
- If you have a lot of Departments, you may want to organize some of them by choosing a Parent department. Otherwise, you do not need to worry about the Parent option.
- The Description is not prominent by default; however, some themes may show it.
Once you have completed adding Agent Departments, click the button to save your changes.