Editing a Blog Post
Choosing a Blog Post
You can edit a Blog Post and add, remove, or change content from the Blog Posts section of your dashboard. Choose Posts > All Posts to see the list of Blog Posts.
Choose the Blog Post you want to edit and click "Edit".
The Post Editor
The Visual Editor Toolbar
Each Icon does the following:
Makes the selected text bold.
Makes the selected text italicized.
Adds a
strikethrougheffect to selected text.
Create a bulleted list.
Create a numbered list.
Makes selected text a Block Quote (may have no effect, depending on theme).
Adds a horizontal line across the Blog Post.
Aligns a paragraph or an image to the left side of the Blog Post.
Aligns a paragraph or an image to the center of the Blog Post.
Aligns a paragraph or an image to the right side of the Blog Post.
Inserts or edits a link.
To insert a link, select the text you wish to make a link, then click the Insert/edit link button. Enter the URL of the Blog Post or file you wish to link to, enter a title (optional), and check the "Open link in a new window/tab" box if you want the link to open in a new tab or window. Optionally, you can link to a Blog Post, community, or subdivision from your own site. Click the Add Link button to create the link.
Removes a link from selected text.
Inserts a "Read More" tag, which will truncate a blog entry on a list display and open the full blog entry.
Toggles the bottom row of the toolbar. Click this button if your toolbar is only one row to reveal the second row of icons.
Inserts the property details of a single property. The information will appear as a [short-code] on the Blog Post editor, but will display fully when the Blog Post is viewed. [Inserting a Single Property Detail]
Inserts a grid of multiple listings using various search criteria. The information will appear as a [short-code] on the Blog Post editor, but will display fully when the Blog Post is viewed. [Inserting Multiple Properties]
The information will appear as a [short-code] on the Blog Post editor, but will display fully when the Blog Post is viewed. [Inserting Your Listings]
Inserts a grid of multiple listings via individual MLS numbers, or by agent or agency ID's. Use the agent or agency ID from your MLS. Multiple agents or agencies can be inserted as a comma separated list.
Choose the style of your text with the Style Selector.
Makes selected text underlined.
Justifies a paragraph's text. Text is aligned along the left side of the Blog Post and letter spacing is adjusted so that the right side of the paragraph is flush with the right side of the Blog Post.
Changes the color of selected text.
Pastes a block of text without remembering any links, colors, or other formatting options.
Clears all formatting from selected text.
Inserts a special character.
Decreases the indent of an indented paragraph.
Increases a paragraph's indent.
Click to Undo your last action.
Click to Redo the last undone action.
Displays a list of keyboard shortcuts.