Step 1 : Create an account with Godaddy.

Click Here to navigate to Godaddy website
If you already have an account, please Sign In.
If you don’t have an account, click on
“Register and create your account; then login


Step 2 : Enter your domain name and click on the “Search Domain” button. Here I have entered as my domain name.


Step 3 : If the domain name is available, a message indicating that the domain is available will be displayed. Click on “Select” button

If the domain name is not available, please choose any other domain name


Step 4 : Once the domain gets added, Click on “Continue To Cart” button.

You can skip next steps if any other offers are displayed. Godaddy will try to sell you more products, you only need your domain.


Step 5 : The domain cart is displayed as below. First change the Term from 5 years to 1 year.


Step 5 : The domain cart is displayed as below after changing the term to 1 year.




Step 6 : Click "Proceed to Checkout," then enter your billing information & credit card details and click “Place Your Order” button. After you purchase, send the username and password you created when registering by clicking here and submitting a ticket.